FIROS has several REST entry points that can be used to get or post data from/to FIROS.

You can find the old FIROS API here (OLD)

GET /topics

Get topics handled by FIROS with their corresponding topics. Each topic contains the topic, messageType, pubsub and structure as follows:

        "topic": "/turtle1/cmd_vel",
        "structure": {
            "linear": {
                "y": "float64",
                "x": "float64",
                "z": "float64"
            "angular": {
                "y": "float64",
                "x": "float64",
                "z": "float64"
        "messageType": "geometry_msgs/Twist",
        "pubSub": "subscriber"

GET /topic/TOPIC

Gets the data which is published by the topic to e.g the Context-Broker.

Topics, which are retrieved by the Non-ROS-World (publisher) are not visible here.

Here as an example for /topic/turtle1/pose: the content of /turtle1/pose:

    "angular_velocity": {
        "type": "number",
        "value": 0.0
    "linear_velocity": {
        "type": "number",
        "value": 0.0
    "theta": {
        "type": "number",
        "value": 0.0
    "y": {
        "type": "number",
        "value": 5.544444561004639
    "x": {
        "type": "number",
        "value": 5.544444561004639
    "type": "turtlesim/Pose",
    "id": "/turtle1/pose"

POST /firos

This API handles the subscription data of the context broker.

POST /connect

This call restores the configuration of FIROS. Disconnected topics are connected again.

POST /disconnect/NAME

This call forces FIROS to disconnect from the topic specified by the NAME parameter. If Publisher, FIROS will no longer publish its data. If Subscriber, FIROS will not push the Information into the ROS-World